أكد وزير الخارجية الجزائري مراد مدلسي الجمعة 22 أبريل أن الحدود البرية بين الجزائر والمغرب لن تبقى مغلقة إلى الأبد.
وقال مدلسي في حوار بثته الإذاعة الجزائرية الرسمية أن فتح الحدود البرية لبلاده مع المغرب مرتبط بمدى تقدم التعاون الاقتصادي بين البلدين مشيرا إلى الرسائل التي أطلقها الرئيس الجزائري عبد العزيز بوتفليقة على هامش افتتاح (تلسمان عاصمة الثقافة الاسلامية لعام 2011) الأحد الماضي والتي تحدث فيها عن عدم وجود مشاكل بين البلدين، مشيرا أن إرادة بلاده هي إرساء علاقة مستمرة مع هذا البلد.
وأوضح مدلسي أن البلدين اتفقا على بعث المبادلات على المستوى الوزاري وإطلاق تعاون في مجالات حساسة مثل قطاعات التربية والفلاحة والمياه والطاقة،
من جهة أخرى، أوضح مدلسي أن اتحاد المغرب العربي مستمر في عمله، لكنه لا يتقدم بالشكل المطلوب، وقال "اتحاد المغرب العربي مستمر في عمله و هو ليس مجمد، صحيح انه لا يتقدم بالشكل المطلوب لأننا لا نملك نفس الرؤية حول قضية الصحراء".
Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci Friday, April 22 that the land border between Algeria and Morocco will not stay closed forever.
Medelci said in an interview broadcast on Algerian radio, the official opening the land border of his country with Morocco is related to the progress of economic cooperation between the two countries, pointing to statements made by the Algerian President Abdul Aziz Bouteflika on the sidelines of the opening (Tsaman capital of Islamic culture for 2011) last Sunday and talked about the lack of there are problems between the two countries, noting that the will of his country is to establish an ongoing relationship with that country.
The Medelci that the two countries agreed to send a ministerial-level exchanges and the launch of cooperation in sensitive areas such as education and agriculture sectors, water and energy,
On the other hand, he explained Medelci that the Arab Maghreb Union continues to work, but it does not take the form required by and said, "the Arab Maghreb Union continues to work and is not frozen, it is true that he does not take the form required because we do not have the same vision on the issue of the Desert".
Medelci said in an interview broadcast on Algerian radio, the official opening the land border of his country with Morocco is related to the progress of economic cooperation between the two countries, pointing to statements made by the Algerian President Abdul Aziz Bouteflika on the sidelines of the opening (Tsaman capital of Islamic culture for 2011) last Sunday and talked about the lack of there are problems between the two countries, noting that the will of his country is to establish an ongoing relationship with that country.
The Medelci that the two countries agreed to send a ministerial-level exchanges and the launch of cooperation in sensitive areas such as education and agriculture sectors, water and energy,
On the other hand, he explained Medelci that the Arab Maghreb Union continues to work, but it does not take the form required by and said, "the Arab Maghreb Union continues to work and is not frozen, it is true that he does not take the form required because we do not have the same vision on the issue of the Desert".
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